The first parts of my Fantasy Warriors Dwarf army. The rank and file were bought painted, so I personally have only painted the various leaders. This array only shows half of the available crossbowmen and spear armed troops. I am also working up a small unit of Boar Riders, a Wizard and various other battle leaders and sub commanders.

King Snorri Axegrinder and his standard bearer issue orders from the midst of battle.

The King's army fields many heavily armed warriors wielding great axes.

Powerful Battle Leaders take charge of each unit, keeping them in formation while awaiting the orders of their King.

Spear armed warriors in stand in reserve, waiting to challenge enemy cavalry or rush to reinforce wherever they are needed.

Crossbowmen whittle away enemy units from afar, then draw their hand axes and join the fray.

Specialist, like this Scout, help the King to ply his army with every advantage he can muster. The Scout assures that the terrain on the field of battle is favorable to the King's army.

The King's Standard helps relay his orders during the confusion of battle. The Standard also symbolizes the power and might of the King.