Saturday, April 25, 2020

Thud and Blunder- Our First Game

My son and I played our first game of Thud and Blunder today.  He had a team of Human Adventurers, and I had an Orc Warband.  We played the Exploration scenario with a few adjustments.  Our teams were only looking for 1 artifact instead of 2.  Also, we eliminated Trolls as possible encounters, and replaced them with Ogres (which proved deadly enough to the Orcs).  Below is a brief battle report of the game.

Somewhere in the ruined village of Blartsmortt, as rumors tell, is hidden an ancient artifact wanted both by the forces of good, and by the henchmen of evil.  As fate would have it, a team of Adventurers seeking the artifact approach from South of the village.  At that very moment an Orc Warband approaches from the North with the very same purpose.

Griglak the Orc leader has promised his master that he will find and retrieve the artifact.  To that purpose he leads a few of his warriors in search of clues.

The Shaman Rainmaker and Monger, the Orc Ranger, lead the rest of the Orc warriors into the ruined village.

Meanwhile, Garris the Ranger, leader of the Adventurers, has his team fan out on the South side of village.  They approach cautiously, somehow sensing that not all is right in the village.  Kullen the Rogue and Estelle the Healer stick together on one flank.  Since they are not loaded down with equipment, the pair can move very fast if needed.

As the Orc Warriors blunder into the village, unaware of any opposition,  Monger the Orc Ranger spots movement in the woods.  She draws her bow, but is struck by an arrow and knocked down before she can loose her shot.  Uninjured, she gets right back up, but too late to warn her fellow Orcs.

Meanwhile, an Orc Spearman looks for a clue in the murky pond.  Instead of the artifact, he disturbs an Ogre's den.  The beast emerges from his home and licks his lips in anticipation of an Orc dinner.

The Ogre's roar of delight unleashes pandemonium in the village.  Garris and the fighter Ersik approach the only intact building in the village.  As he approaches, he ignores the arrows sent his way by Monger.  Another Orc Spearman turns to face the Ogre, while the other Orcs fan out and approach the Adventurers.

Rainmaker the Orc Shaman directs the Orc Bowman and Orc Spearman to attack Rufus, the Human Mage.  Rainmaker himself attempts to cast a spell, but fails to channel the mystic energies, and only sends sparks down his fingers.

The Ogre makes short work of the first Orc, then looks at the second one like it is dessert.

The second Orc Spearman makes a desperate, doomed attempt to skewer the Ogre.

Meanwhile, an Orc Spearman charges Rufus the Mage, and the two prepare to fight hand to hand.

The Ogre deftly slays the second Orc and begins his feast.

Horsa, the Barbarian jumps into combat with the Orc fighting Rufus.  His two-handed sword swoops down and splits the Orc's skull.

Elsewhere in the village, Griglak the Orc Leader searches the ruined house for the artifact.  On the second floor he stumbles upon a sleeping Ogre, who unfortunately wakes up hungry.

Griglak strikes the Ogre, but his blow has no effect on the monster.  The Ogre then takes his turn and lays Griglak out with a single blow.  With the Orc Leader down, leadership falls to Monger the Orc Ranger.

As the Adventurers and the remaining Orcs merge on the village, individual fights break out.  Yet, those not fighting or dying continue the search.  Suddenly, Estelle finds the Artifact in a small chest, buried in a shallow hole, on the edge of the woods.  Rainmaker hears her exaltation and rushes over, preparing a spell.  Horsa the Barbarian rushes to head off the Orc Shaman, while Kullen the Rogue shoots an Orc who jumps Horsa from behind. 

Rufus, charged by another Orc, gets knocked down.  Ersik trades blows with Monger, who tries to slip the blade of her knife in the gaps of his armor.  Garris rushes out of the intact house and sees his team fighting throughout the village.

Estelle grabs the Artifact and runs to the team's rally point while her friends cover her retreat.  The Adventurers have found the Artifact, kept it out of evil hands, and have bloodied the Orc raiders in the process.  All in a good day's Adventuring.

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